With a view to the correct application of the four points proposed in the exercise, an outline of the categories is proposed. It includes all the possible aspects that can facilitate an exhaustive description of a photo.

Categories of use of colonial images

  1. Period
  2. Geography/ Map/ Regions of Togo
  3. Personalia/ Biography
  4. Ethnicity/ Identity/ Lifestyle
  5. Age/ Gender/ Groups
  6. Body (physical features)
  7. Modes of dress
  8. Education/ Training
  9. Forms of communication
  10. Economy/ World of work
  11. Law
  12. Travel
  13. Technique and practical knowledge
  14. Nature/representations of nature
  15. Religion
  16. Art/ Popular aesthetics
  17. Signs/ Symbols/ Gestures
  18. Food
  19. Music/ Song/ Dance
  20. Language/ Poetry
  21. Politics/ Media
  22. Architecture
  23. Objects/ Tools (utensils etc.)
  24. Festivities/ Games/ Leisure