Fotograf: Schober
Standort: StuUB
Bildnummer: 035-3513-11
CD-Code: CD/6309/3061/4208/6309_3061_4208_0087
Text auf dem Bild: 12
Text auf der Hülle / auf dem Film: V
Format Bildträger: Kleinbild
Material: Film-Negativ
Formale Bemerkung: Unzerschnittener Kleinbildfilm
Region: Togo
Ethnische Gruppe: Afrikaner
Sachgruppe: Siedlung,; ländliche Siedlung; Dorf (?)
Schlagwörter: Dorf (?)
Infos zum Inhalt: Texte/ KeineInfos.htm
Bildbeschreibung: [auf dem Film] V
- Period
1.1. 1849-1883 Pre-colonial
1.2. 1884-1899 German colonialism
1.3. 1900-1914/18 Establishment of power/colonial rule
1.4. 1919-1936 German colonial revisionism: between 1933 and 1937 (cf. Akten des Reichskolonialamts: Forschungsreise Dr. Schober nach Togo und Kamerun (1933-1937)).
- Geography/Map/Regions of Togo
2.1. General: Village in the lowlands
2.2. Togo German, British: Togo-German
2.3. Regional boundaries: Probably located in the plateau region of Togo-Germany
2.4. Village: Unknown
2.5. Town
- Personalia and biography
3.1. Merchant/ grocer
3.2. Priest/ Missionary
3.3. Colonial collaborator/ official
3.4. Colon
3.5. Holder of traditional power
- Ethnicity, identity, lifestyle
4.1. General
4.2. Stereotypes/ Clichés
4.3. Ethnic groups
4.4. Minorities
4.5. European
- Age,Gender,Groups
5.1. Women
5.2. Men
5.3. Home, Family
5.4. Children, Young people
5.5. Elderly people
5.6. Elite social layer
5.7. Kinship, Adoption
5.8. Neighbourhood
5.9. Other groups
- Corporality (physical traits)
6.1. Size, Appearance/physical appearance, Conditions :
- A small town near the mountains surrounded by tall vegetation (bush), made up of dwellings built mainly of earth and covered with straw or metal sheets; some are also built of cement bricks and covered with metal sheets.
- Two people standing in the courtyard of a dwelling dressed in traditional garb
6.2. Hygiene: Small dwellings that may lack proper sanitary conditions.
6.3. Sexuality: There is probably a family living in each home
6.4. State of health
6.5. Illness/ Medication
6.6. Treatment/ Cure
6.7. Health centre/ Healing/ Hospital
6.8. Death/ Burial
- Clothing styles
7.1. Fashion/ Traditional clothing: traditional clothing
7.2. European fashion/ clothing
7.3. Other modes of dress: the two men in the courtyard are wearing
- Education and Training
8.1. School/ Education centre
8.2. Training/ Education
8.3. Girl's education
8.4. Teacher / School authority
- Forms of communication
9.1. Non-verbal (body language: gestures / facial expressions)
9.2. Emotion (grief/ anger/ tears/ laughter)
9.3. Curiosity
9.4. Dialogue/Group Conversation (Palaver, official meetings: public and secret)
9.5. Contacts / Correspondence
9.6. Contract
9.7. Complaints, denunciation - claim - request (wish)
9.8. Violence - Injustice etc.
9.9. Prayer (communication with God)
- Economy/ World of work
10.1. General
10.2. Slavery
10.3. Gathering, hunting, fishing
10.4. Agriculture
10.5. Animal husbandry
10.6. Mining, iron working, road building
10.7. Bridge building
10.8. Worker/employee
10.9. Crafts
10.10. Trade/ Factory/ Market
10.11. Industry
10.12. Statistics
- Law
11.1. African law
11.2. European law
11.3. Other laws
- Travel
12.1. Expeditions/study trips
12.2. Migration
12.3. Traffic and Transport/ Means of travel
12.4. Railway stations/road lines
12.5. Port
- Technique and practical knowledge
13.1. Weaving
13.2. Household/domestic work
13.3. Practical knowledge: Building homes using local ecological materials
13.4. Building work
- Nature and representations of nature
14.1. Landscape/ Vegetation: savannah, bush
14.2. Landscape/ Zoology
14.3. Landscape/ Lake, sea etc.
14.4. Climate/ Weather: tropical, hot, cool and humid
- Religion
15.1. African religions: In such localities, religious beliefs are often traditional and based on ancestor cults.
15.2. Christian religions: Some educated inhabitants are likely to be Christian
15.3. Islam
15.4. Other religions
- Art/ Popular aesthetics
16.1. General
16.2. European art
16.3. African art
16.4. With materials (image, textile, wood, ceramic, stone, metal, glass)
- Signs, Symbols, Gestures
- Food
18.1. (Economically) useful plant: Trees providing shade. Medicinal plants etc.
18.2. Food product, Foodstuff
18.3. Fruit: Trees providing shade. Medicinal plants etc.
18.4. Food
- Song, Music, Dance
19.1. African domain
19.2. European domain
19.3. Musical instruments
- Language and poetry
20.1. Ewe: probable language of communication
20.2. German
20.3. English
20.4. French
20.5. Other mother tongues: Languages spoken in the Plateaux region, such as Akposso, L'Ana etc.
- Politics and media
21.1. Colonial administration
21.2. Colonial characteristic sign
21.3. Traditional administration
21.4. Security / Police troops
21.5. Togo-German colonial heritage
21.6. Radio / Press
- Architecture
22.1. Habitat : Locality forming an ethnic village
22.2. Cultural landscape: Built in the bush near the mountains.
22.3. Construction: With local materials consisting of earth or clay, straw, wood, etc.
22.4. Dwelling / House: Small, round huts.
22.5. Government and administrative buildings
22.6. Communication route / Road
22.7. Church / Chapel / Mosque
22.8. Monument
22.9. Hospital
22.10. Shopping centre
22.11. Fortress
- Objects and tools (utensils etc.)
- Festivity, Game, Leisure
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